Is Inquisicook right for you?

Read our FAQs and find out.




What age is Inquisicook for?

Inquisicook 1 & 2 are geared toward ages 12 and up, but younger students who are mature or work closely with a parent or older sibling do fine. To get the most out of the program, students need to be able to grasp abstract concepts such as molecular movement, heat transfer, and chemical reactions.

Do I need to purchase any books?

No, all Inquisicook courses are completely self-contained. We provide the recipes, instruction sheets, and student forms for every lesson, all with easy-to-follow directions.

How long does it take to complete a course? How many lessons should we do a week? How long is each lesson?

The answers to these questions depend on a number of factors. The information on this page will help you select the pace that’s right for your family and plan your schedule accordingly.

Can I try Inquisicook before enrolling?

Yes. Sample lessons are available here.

Can students complete their work independently?

All instruction speaks directly to the student in a relaxed, conversational tone, so no parent presentation is required. The amount of supervision needed during cooking and science activities depends on the responsibility and maturity level of the student.

Are the classes live?

No, video lessons are pre-recorded, giving students greater flexibility with scheduling.

Can adults enroll in Inquisicook?

Believe it or not, this is one of our most frequently asked questions. It’s very common for curious parents to learn alongside their students. And since there’s nothing particularly juvenile about the content, it’s appropriate for use by adults who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of Culinary Science beginning at square one.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

Students may withdraw at any time before logging in to the course and receive a full refund. Students who withdraw within the first week of log-in will receive a 90% refund. No refunds will be available after this point.

Is Inquisicook only available online?


Our family must follow strict dietary restrictions. Can we still use Inquisicook?

Possibly. For a bit more information and charts that show which of our recipes contain common allergens, check out our article on Working Around Allergies and Food Sensitivities.

Inquisicook provides all-purpose instruction with occasional suggested alternatives. Although we focus heavily on scratch cooking with wholesome ingredients, users can expect to encounter recipes with gluten, carbs, dairy, animal proteins, and so forth. We have found that families with dietary restrictions develop a high level of expertise in substituting ingredients and techniques. For this reason, we shoot for the middle of the road and leave adaptations to those who are best equipped to deal with them.

Does Inquisicook require specialized kitchen equipment?

We surveyed prospective users to find out what equipment they had on hand and used this information to guide our development process. Although you may need to borrow or buy an item here or there, a typical household will already have the necessary gear.

Does Inquisicook require specialized science equipment?

Using the kitchen as a laboratory is a key theme for Inquisicook. As such, it is already equipped with most of what students will need. We use food for lab supplies as often as possible, but other materials will be called for from time to time. A supplies list is provided for each unit.

Does Inquisicook include religious content?


When will Inquisicook 2 be available?

Our target release for Inquisicook 2 is March 2024.

How can I receive updates when new sections or courses are available?

You can sign up for email updates HERE.

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